Webinar: Spring into Action: Managing Lamb Diseases
14 January 2022

UPDATE: The recording for this webinar can be found here
Join us online on the 18th January at 7:15pm, as we look at some management techniques to help reduce the risk of neonatal lamb diseases and infections at lambing.
We will be joined by Sheep Vet Specialist: Harriet Fuller Bvet Med, CertSHP, MRCVS
We will be focusing on Watery Mouth & Joint ill covering:
- Ewe Body Condition
- Pre-lambing nutrition
- Colostrum Management
- E. Coli Vaccine
- Antibiotics and Probiotics
- The Lambing Environment
- Castration and Tailing
- Ewe lameness and the benefits of vaccination
Harriet is an independent sheep vet whose main interest is in helping farmers maintain the health of their flocks through management and disease prevention.
Join on the night, by clicking the link HERE
Alternatively, you can join via Facebook HERE