Providing sound, technical advice to the farming community
R.M.Jones Farmcentre is a family run business based in Hay-on-Wye with Farmcentres in Abergavenny, Hereford and Ledbury.
The business was started in 1960 by Ron Jones the pharmacist in the Chemists' shop in Hay-on-Wye. In those days farmers would pull up outside the pharmacy in their tractors and trailers to ask him to “take a look” at their livestock. He had a wonderful array of nostrums and potions to dispense for them.
The farming industry has evolved hugely since then, with the increasing use of technology and new farming methods in both livestock and arable sectors.

Continuing to change with the evolving farming industry
We have kept up-to-date with this by constantly investing in our business to make sure we can provide you with the information and products to support these changes.
Our qualified, specialist agronomists and registered animal health advisors deliver professional services in animal health, nutrition, crop and agronomy. We also have a wealth of knowledge in livestock and arable production in the local area.
Rod Jones
“I am privileged to have a skilled, experienced and committed team who all genuinely care and want to help and provide advice to our customers.”
Third Generation Family Business
Rod Jones joined the family business in 1981 after qualifying as a pharmacist and agronomist and immediately became involved in the agricultural business. Rod's daughter Becka started in 2011 and is a Registered Animal Health Advisor (RAMA) who manages our pharmacy with her sister Emily. Rod's son Tom joined the family business in 2019 with a background in Food Production & Brewing, becoming a RAMA in 2020.
Rod says:
“When my father established R.M.Jones all those years ago, he wanted to provide a service for the local community. Since then, we have built long lasting relationships with many farmers in the area and have an excellent reputation for the quality of our products and services. I am privileged to have a skilled, experienced and committed team who all genuinely care and want to help and provide advice to our customers.”
Providing exceptional customer service is our priority.
We appreciate and value each and every one of our customers and providing exceptional customer service is our priority. Our dedicated, experienced team of professionals are available at each of our Farmcentres and on the phone and online to assist you with any questions or advice you require.
Get in touch