Specialising in Animal Health, Nutrition, Crop & Agronomy Services
Providing sound, technical advice to the farming community since 1960
R.M.Jones is a third generation family run business. Our Farmcentres stock a wide variety of supplies for all your farming needs.
We don’t just sell products to our customers. Our knowledgeable staff are qualified to provide expert advice and help you achieve better margins by making the best use of farm inputs.
We offer a range of technical services including; Fecpak (Faecal Egg Counts), Rhiza (satellite imagery for precision farming), soil testing, forage mineral & nutritional analysis.
Our agronomists help you achieve better margins by making the optimal use of farming inputs
We employ a team of qualified agronomists whose aim is to provide the best agronomy advice in the Welsh border counties, working in the farmer's best interest.
Precision Farming
We use Rhiza satellite imagery for our precision farming service to help our customer achieve optimum yields from every field. Rhiza uses high resolution NDVI imagery to allow variable rate mapping for seeds, nitrogen and other inputs. Rhiza offers highly advanced weather models to provide hyper local weather data, helping our customers plan more effectively.